Preparation of an Environmental Security Memorandum
The specialists of our company express their readiness to ensure the preparation of the necessary documentation and to participate in the signing of the environmental memorandum with the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (as part of a separate agreement on the legal support of the signing of the above document).
What is a memorandum?
Memorandum - (from Latin memorandum est, "It must be remembered") in international or economic relations - a diplomatic document, usually handed in person to the representative of the other party (company, corporation) or attached to diplomatic note, which sets out the actual (economic and/or legal) side of the issue of interest to both sides, gives an analysis of certain provisions and the rationale for the position of the state (contracting party).
MoU (Memorandum of understanding) - a memorandum, a multilateral agreement between parties or companies that describes a common line of action.
Information on the content of the document “Memorandum of joint actions aimed at ensuring environmental safety in the district”
The document was signed during the XIII Sochi-2014 International Investment Forum between Gazprom Neft Chairman of the Board Alexander Dyukov and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Governor (hereinafter - YaNAO, Yamal) Dmitry Kobylkin (September 22, 2014).
The memorandum spells out the intentions of the parties (joint commitments):
v– to coordinate efforts in environmental protection;
– to maintain a favorable environmental situation in the region;
– to commit to the principles of sustainable development.
The main areas of cooperation are:
– constant environmental control;
– exchange of experience in the application of technologies and practices designed to minimize the impact on the fragile nature of Yamal (as well as the application of leading world standards);
– restoration of natural resources;
– striving to apply the most advanced technologies (including in the environmental sphere);
– minimization of environmental impact;
– joint online monitoring of environmental impact;
– joint industrial environmental control in order to ensure environmental protection measures;
– rational use and restoration of natural resources;
– in addition, it is planned to use the scientific potential of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (i.e., to conduct scientific research in the field of ecology with the involvement of the scientific potential of Yamal.);
– preservation of the traditional lifestyle of the indigenous population of the Yamal Peninsula.
Support for the “3R Initiative” (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle).
So, the implementation of the memorandum also included the following:
- The specialists of Gazprom-Neft-Novy-Port, as part of the reproduction of the aquatic biological resources of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, released more than a million muksun fry into the Ob River. Four fry containers were delivered to Salekhard by plane from the Leningrad Region.
- With the support of Gazprom Neft, about 20 million fry of this valuable fish are planned to be released into the YaNAO and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug rivers for the artificial reproduction of muksun in the coming years. According to expert estimates, the production activities of the company in the Yamal Peninsula do not negatively affect the aquatic fauna population. Nevertheless, Gazprom Neft, together with the Government of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, will continue to implement a comprehensive program to improve the population of valuable fish species.
At the same time, the interaction between Gazprom Neft and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the environmental sphere is regulated by a long-term agreement on socio-economic cooperation and a memorandum of joint actions to ensure the environmental safety of the region, both signed in 2015.
Thus, an environmental memorandum is an official document regulating factual, documentary and/or legal issues in the field of environmental safety, adopted by the parties. Similar memoranda or agreements were concluded earlier, for example, between Gazprom Neft LLC, PJSC Rosneft Oil Company and regional governments.
Ecological memorandum as a tool to solve the problem of contact with the Specially Protected Natural Areas
The environmental memorandum will allow formalisation of relations between the users of natural resources and the administration of the constituent territory of the Russian Federation in the environmental sphere.
View the example here
Alternative to environmental memorandum
As an alternative to the environmental memorandum, it is possible to withdraw the facility from the conservation area.
You can view the examples here