R&D in the field of hydraulic structures and water transport
R&D - research and development work carried out by companies and research institutes to create new models of equipment and gain new knowledge, as well as to search for fundamentally new solutions to problems and issues that cannot be solved by a standard set of tools (including business tools) that are available to any organization. R&D must be carried out in case fundamentally new knowledge is needed in a revolutionary new direction or when you have an unknown horizon of events. The lack of ability to solve your problems with a usual set of techniques and methods hinders the development of the business, and also reduces its competitiveness. Western companies often conduct R&D (Research & Development) in their fields, preceding the launch of new products, and have their own research divisions and laboratories.
Examples of R&D applications in the field of hydraulic engineering and water transport, which could be performed by the R&D company Nord-Engineering LLC:
1.Increasing the efficiency of organizations providing services in the field of water transport, determining the prospects for their development and developing a strategy, including:
- carrying out feasibility studies on transportation;
- selecting transport and technological schemes for transporting various goods;
- determining the prospects for the development of port infrastructure;
- research of current and prospective cargo flows;
- calculations of transport costs of cargo owners;
- improving financing methods of water transport organizations;
- improving the management and use of state property in water transport;
- improving the methodology of planning, financing and accounting for the costs and results of activities of water transport organizations;
- assessment of the effectiveness of capital investments and reproduction of fixed assets of water transport.
2.Scientific research activities, including:
- assessment of the technical condition of the existing transport, passenger and technical fleet, as well as prospects for its development;
- development of methods for determining economic efficiency of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation;
- development of methods for substantiating the dimensions of shipping lanes;
- proposals for statistical reporting on the use of inland waterways for shipping.
3.Development and implementation of investment projects:
- substantiation of investments in new construction or reconstruction, preparation of pre-project documentation and documentation for the Investor (including investment banks, funds), search for an Investor, assistance in obtaining the funds;
- preparation of project documentation, preparation of documentation to obtain the funds from the Investor (including investment banks, funds) to finance the construction.
4.Activities related to international obligations of the Russian Federation:
- development of the necessary documentation for opening the waterways of the Unified Deepwater System for navigation of ships under foreign flags;
- determination of the main directions of foreign economic activity in river transport, taking into account the development of international transport corridors.
5.Regulatory activity:
- creation and implementation of regulatory and methodological documents on the development and functioning of water transport infrastructure