Inclusion of a river section in the scheme of inland waterways of the Russian Federation
Our specialists are ready to carry out works on development of documentation to include a river section in the list of inland waterways of the Russian Federation, to prepare Technical proposals for a temporary scheme for providing water transport for a river section located near a mineral deposit (for example, on the Arctic or Siberian rivers), subject to the mandatory circumstances and parameters below.
The deadline does not include the time necessary for the approval of regulatory (including legal) acts related to government bodies of the Russian Federation.
Normative regulation
The development of documentation for inclusion of a river section in the List of Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with Article 2 of the Code of inland water transport of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as “Code”), article 3 of the Code, in accordance with Parts 1, 2 of Article 4 of the Code, and Article 7 of the Code , as well as in accordance with by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2002 No. 1800-r, according to which the list of inland waterways of the Russian Federation was approved.

The developed documentation should contain the following information:
- a description of the boundaries of the river section planned for inclusion in the List;
- forms of applications to the federal executive body (Rosmorrechflot) and its annexes for inclusion of a river section in the List of Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation;
- scheme of the river section;
- substantiation (in the form of DOI, Pre-feasibility study, feasibility study) of the potential cargo turnover, the type and composition of the cargo fleet, the timing of navigation;
- a brief explanatory note with the rationale for the proposed decisions;
- results of the works on the preparation of documentation for submission to the Customer for consideration and approval for the purpose of subsequent preparation of the draft order of the Government of the Russian Federation on amendments to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.19.2002 No. 1800-r, which approved the List of inland waterways of the Russian Federation.
Initial data:
The customer has to provide the following information:
- annual navigation volume of cargo transhipment (for example, an anchorage transhipment);
- preliminary length of the waterway included in the Inland Waterways List;
- the duration of navigation (period and approximate calendar dates or statistics on the average number of days of navigation);
- types and characteristics of vessels proposed for processing on an external roadstead, and vessels involved in the transportation of goods from the berth to an external roadstead;
- information on the hydrological regime of the river (flood regime, ice conditions, flow rates, channel insertion);
- data on measurements of depths;
- confirmation of the cargo base (in the form of marketing research, comfort letters, proven reserves, etc.);
A river scheme should include depth measurements on a scale of not more than M 1: 5000.