
The research and production enterprise “Nord-Engineering” (NORENG) provides a full range of design services: assessment of the technical condition of buildings and structures, development of conceptual solutions, pre-project studies, feasibility studies, investment rationales, development of design and working documentation, architectural supervision and engineering. We provide all services efficiently and in a timely manner. The provision of other consulting services in the field of design, construction and approvals of construction projects not listed on this website is also available. For more details contact +74957655134.

Visit us in person or call +74957655134 for a free preliminary consultation to clarify the terms of reference, determine the fundamental feasibility of carrying out work and any other issues.

Turnkey Design

Our company is ready to develop a turnkey project. In this case, we undertake the full range of work and the customer does not divert resources away from their core activities. The turnkey project may, upon agreement with the customer, include:

  • Pre-design work - sets design parameters, approves layout / design decisions, determines the initial data that is required for the design work and solves all other tasks at the initial stage of the project;
  • Solving legal issues if there are any - registration of the plot of land, inclusion of the building or facility into the territorial planning scheme, overcoming problems arising from the presence of protected areas, cultural monuments, etc;
  • Engineering explorations - necessary when determining the natural characteristics of the construction / redevelopment area, which may affect the parameters and composition of the planned structures;
  • Development of project documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements and terms of reference. Obtaining certification of state examinations, including the FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, as well as non-state examination of project documentation in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Development of working and technical documentation;
  • Architectural supervision at all stages of construction and installation works.

Design of hydraulic engineering structures (HES)

The development of design documentation for hydraulic structures requires special qualifications of engineers, high responsibility for the quality and safety of constructed or reconstructed structures, and the need to take into account all environmental requirements. Hydraulic engineering design is the main specialization of our company.

The specialists at NORDENG LLC have extensive experience in the design of hydraulic structures and have taken part in the development of design documentation for such facilities as:

  • reconstruction of the White Sea - Baltic Canal;
  • construction and reconstruction to APEC facilities;
  • sea berths and protective structures;
  • berthing facilities of transshipment facilities;
  • development of technical and logistical solutions for the delivery and dispatch of goods in the Russian Arctic;
  • and many others.

Our company provides the following services in the field of hydraulic engineering design:

  • development of design and working documentation for the reconstruction and capital improvements of hydraulic structures;
  • development of design and working documentation for the new construction of hydraulic structures;
  • development of project documentation for dredging, arranging anchorage, approach channels;
  • development of pre-project materials (feasibility studies), declarations (motions) of intent to invest in construction, business plans;
  • development of conceptual proposals for the construction of berths, piers, yacht marinas;
  • others.

The list of facilities for which our company is ready to develop design and working documentation:

  • berthing walls, specialized berths, dams, dikes, locks, water discharges, port infrastructure;
  • sea and river ports, transshipment terminals, yacht marinas;
  • single point moorings;
  • ferry crossings, including sea railway ferry crossings;
  • embankments, bank stabilization, bank protection, breakwaters and hydromodification structures;
  • ship lifting facilities;
  • fire water ponds;
  • others.

Single point moorings

Single point moorings (SPMs) have proven their efficiency in the exploitation by oil and LNG terminals around the world. The SPMs can be used as an alternative for the construction of a classic berth or as additional capacity to increase the throughput of the existing terminal. In addition, SPMs can be a possible solution when servicing heavy cargo vessels with an existing berth requires additional dredging.

Single point moorings are of various types, and in order to determine the optimal one, it is necessary to carry out pre-design survey works. At this stage, taking into account the technical requirements of the customer, natural factors (depth, wind, sea motions), the environmental situation in the area of the proposed location, we provide recommendations on the choice of SPM type and conduct a feasibility study for the construction.

Design of moorings and piers

The design of berths and piers is highlighted separately since this is one of our main specializations. We have completed projects of various berths and piers: sea and river, cargo and passenger, for tankers and for yachts, reinforced concrete and metal. Click here to open more information about our berth and pier design services.

Pre-design works

The NORDENG company is ready to conduct a wide variety of pre-project works for industrial construction and civil engineering projects, including offshore infrastructure, oil and gas projects, transportation facilities, etc.:

  • Conceptual studies;
  • Selection and rationale for technical solutions;
  • Selection and rationale for location;
  • and others.
Out-of-port ship handling

NORDENG LLC develops design solutions for out-of-port handling of ships.

Declaration (Motion) of intent to invest in construction

The NORDENG company provides professional services to prepare and support in the regulatory authorities the Declaration (Motion) of intent to invest in the construction or redevelopment of hydraulic structures and transport facilities: sea terminals, ports, berths, logistics centers and other offshore infrastructure.

Employees of the company, possessing many years of experience in developing declarations of intent for construction, are ready to promptly prepare the necessary sections in accordance with the requirements of the customer and the Model Regulation on the development and composition of an Motion (Declaration) of intent to invest in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, approved by the Ministry of Construction on March 17, 1997. Developing declarations of intent also takes into account the new standard requirements of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosmorport" for the declarations of intent concerning sea ports and implies support for obtaining all the necessary approvals from the regulatory authorities. The most recent completed work: Declaration of intent to invest in the construction of a coal terminal in the port of Dickson.

Click here to open more details about the purpose of developing the Motion (Declaration) of intent to invest in the construction of an offshore infrastructure facility.

Industrial construction and civil engineering (ICCE)

In the field of industrial construction and civil engineering, our company’s specialists are ready to develop pre-project proposals, design and working documentation for such projects as: residential buildings, residential areas, office buildings, office and utility areas, industrial and warehouse premises, anti-radiation shelters, roads, area improvements etc.

As part of an integrated design, the company provides the following services:

  • development of blueprint designs;
  • development of master plans for local areas adjacent to buildings, structures and building complexes;
  • development of technological solutions;
  • development of architecture and construction solutions;
  • design of internal and external engineering networks and systems as well as design of infrastructure;
  • development of construction administration projects and work plans;
  • preparation of costing documentation;
  • development of special sections of projects: environmental protection, civil defense and emergency situations, fire safety;
  • acting as general contractor;
  • passing state and non-state project assessments.

Survey and inspection of the technical condition of buildings and structures

The NORDENG company conducts comprehensive surveys and assessments of the technical condition of buildings and structures. The company's specialists are ready to conduct both a preliminary / general survey and a detailed inspection with the issuance of a technical certificate and recommendations.

Preliminary or general visual survey:

  • reconnaissance of the facility;
  • review of design and executive documentation;
  • visual inspection of structures;
  • performance of measurement schemes;
  • performance of approximate verification calculations of structures;
  • indicative assessment of the state of structures and the inspected facility as a whole;
  • development of a plan for further survey work;
  • preparation of a report based on the results of a preliminary or general survey.

Detailed visual and instrumental inspection of the structure:

  • design and executive documentation review;
  • geological and hydrogeological examinations;
  • geodesic works;
  • taking and testing material samples;
  • non-destructive testing of the structures under examination;
  • performance of verification calculations of structures;
  • assessment of the state of structures and the inspected facility as a whole;
  • preparation of an inspection report based on the results of a detailed examination.

Engineering in the field of hydraulic structures

Engineering in the field of construction of hydraulic structures is carried out under the direction of the scientific consultant of the company Yu.M. Fedorov, Ph.D (Engineering). The company is ready to consider applications for the development or improvement of technologies for the construction of berths, bank stabilization, bank protection, as well as for other R&D

For sea terminal construction projects, we propose also the in-house technology for the construction of port protective structures in open water areas. The technology allows increased reliability of structures during the construction period, especially during a period of heavy sea motion, and also significantly reduces the cost of construction. The practicality of the technology is highly appreciated in the extreme conditions of the pacific coast of the Russian Federation. We are ready to conduct a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of applying this innovative technology for a particular object and discuss with the customer the conditions for its implementation.


The NORDENG company is ready to carry out research for investment projects:

  • Conceptual works;
  • Preparation of hard-to-reach information about the object of interest to the customer (port, field) located outside the customer’s access area (Arctic, Far North, a country with a difficult political situation - Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, etc.);
  • Preparation of a summary of the project outlining key indicators;
  • Marketing and market research;
  • Preliminary feasibility study;
  • Feasibility study;
  • Rationale for investments;
  • Business plans (rationale for investment projects for banks, including to western investment banks).
  • The typical structure of the business plan can be found here.

In addition, we are ready to provide legal advice in the field of design and construction. A preliminary legal assessment can be obtained by calling the company or leaving a request through the form on the website.

Examples of legal advisory services:

Preparation of a memorandum on environmental safety

Inclusion of a river section in the list of inland waterways

Inclusion of a facility in the Territory Planning Scheme in the field of transport

The research and production enterprise “Nord-Engineering” LLC renders consulting services to include objects into the Territory Planning Scheme in the field of transport of the Russian Federation.

Changing the boundaries of the seaport

NORDENG provides advisory services on the inclusion of facilities into the seaport boundaries

Forensic examination

NORDENG specialists are ready to conduct a forensic examination of design and costing documentation and act as experts in court. Click here to open more information about our forensic services concerning examination of design documentation.

Due diligence

Due diligence is a comprehensive check with the aim of forming a fair presentation of the investment, the legitimacy of ownership, the feasibility of the business model and the acquisition of its assets, as well as the legality of the upcoming transaction. Such an analysis will reveal the best mechanisms for making an investment decision, the risks involved and how to minimize them.

Verification and Evaluation

Checking and evaluating companies before concluding a deal, at a tender and at an auction, before participating in investment projects, before mergers and acquisitions, etc.

Preparation of analytical reports

The preparation of analytical reports on complex business proposals and new technologies (for example, on unmanned and autonomous vehicles and systems as well as on 'smart roads', etc.).

Preparation of presentations

Preparation of highly professional presentations, including video materials, audio tracks, animated pages, the development of entirely original presentations with bespoke infographics, etc.


Naming - concerted and joint work with the customer on the selection of a name for a project or a company (organization), development o f slogans, creation of an integrated framework for the brand. Starting from the name and development of a complex of representations, opinions, associations, emotions, value characteristics about a product or service, visualization, color selection, a selection of phrases characterizing the product. All in all, it forms the mental and physical shell of a product or service.

Urgent orders

If you were given an assignment in the evening (presentation, report, research, review, brief concept, summary) and proposals to the management (colleagues) have to be submitted in the morning of the next day, we are ready, even within such a tight schedule, to provide thoughtful, meticulous and diligent services 24/7, with the involvement of executive employees located in different time zones.

General review

General review and marketing review of competitors and markets.
